Maintaining Good credit, just tell to my friend

Yesterday, I talked to my high-school friend. His name is hastalor. He told me that he wants to apply for home loan but he not has a good credit. I answers he immediately, I have some way to help you. There are many things that I told to him and I think it’s useful for told to my reader too. This blog provide some tips technique about get rid of credit card debt and also provide way to build a good credit. The context below is the same as I told to my friend.

The key to maintaining good credit is to follow a few simple rules:
• Pay your bills on time. Pay on time mean that you have ability to pay and also remain your good condition of credit history. Most lenders accept only 30 days late. YOU have to fit the profile of the people who pay their bills on time.
• Don’t spend close to your credit limits, especially overspending out of how much you can afford it. Typically, lenders will compare your credit card balances to the total amount of credit von have available. The more cards you have close to the limit, the more of credit score decrease.
• Cancel any credit cards that you don’t use. If you already have five or six major credit cards (even if they have zero balances), you will have a tough time getting additional credit. Why? Because lenders will think that you already have more than enough.
Get a copy of your credit report and correct or claim any errors to your credit card company. If it’s correct, you must review what item cause your bad condition of credit card debt.
• Find out how many inquiries there are on your credit report. The more inquiries there are, the less likely you are to get the credit you’re seeking.