Credit cards are instruments that are used when you are carrying very little cash with you. They are also meant for emergencies, such as paying for medicine or hospital bills. Credit cards should be a means to control your spending because each expenditure is reflected on your credit card bill. Unfortunately, these days, owning a credit card means having carte blanche on spending for everyday expenses such as groceries, utility bills, car payments, and even luxury items that have no place in the budget. Over time, these credit card bills add up to an exorbitant amount that you'll discover you can hardly pay.
Having a credit card means you are availing of one of the worst kinds of credits because credit cards charge very high interest rates. This is especially true if you are in the habit of paying only the minimum amount due on your credit card bill. It is even worse off if you are late in making payments as the penalty rates are higher still. Cutting your credit cards and paying them off completely would be one of the best decisions you can make for your finances.
There are some credit card debt facts that you need to know if you want some debt help management for your growing credit card debt. If you absolutely necessarily require the use of a credit card, pay-off the ones with the highest interest rates and stick to only one credit card that charges a low interest rate. A zero interest card is your best bet. Paying low interest rates on your credit card is the best way to go.
To avoid paying any interest at all, pay your total amount due each month. Paying your bill in full not only gets rid of the lingering worry you will get from the thought of that remaining amount on your balance, it will also ensure that you don't pay any interest charged for paying the minimum amount, or a portion of the total bill. This interest adds up, you'll be surprised how much.
To avoid any danger of missing your due date, pay off your bill way before it falls due. The penalties charged for late payment are even more exorbitant compared to the interest charged for paying less than the total amount that is due. Consistent late payment will get you in trouble with the credit card company and you may end up in their delinquent files for paying your dues way beyond the due date. What's more, this will have an adverse effect on your credit score, as well.
Once you have weaned yourself from having a number of credit cards, paying only the minimum amount on your credit card bill, and avoiding making late payments on your credit card, you can embark on a method that will help keep you from going on another spending spree - start using species.
With these credit card debt facts, you can reduce the cost of credit card debt reduction credit card rates, and finally achieve financial freedom.
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