Are you trying to beat credit card debt but you are having a hard time? If you are constantly making charges against your bank account, it is safe to say that you are incurring a large amount of bad debt in your financial portfolio.
Many people have credit cards that have enabled them to start businesses, make down payments on homes, and help them in emergency's, but many times when a charge is made on any card, you can cause a series of events that will prevent you from being free from the trails of debt.
The purpose of your finances is to build enough assets up so you can be stable for your retirement. The fact that many people do not know is that if you have over $10,000 in unsecured debt it can be erased due to the stimulus package. But what if you don't have as much? What if you just charged a few thousand dollars for credit card and you lost your job and you can no longer pay?
There is no debtors prison, although debt may feel like that. But what is worse than not paying your debts is having ruined credit report due to payments that should have been made on time but were not. It is also important to remember that interest does not stop accruing just because you do not make your payments. In fact it is a the exact opposite, more fees will be added to your balance that can bring your debt over the limit which will add an additional $30 of charges every month. These charges will continue until you get your debt below your line of credit that has been established with your creditor.
Debt is something that you should not be afraid of but face it head on with great fervor. Another tip that you can use to get out a credit card debt is going to your local CPAs office and having a financial and income statement written up for you that shows that you are in arrears. Mail this On the way to the creditor or collection agency and wait for an answer. Many times you will be able to repay debt on credit cards 50% or more, if you have less than $ 10000.
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