Constructive ways to avoid credit card debt during the economic crisis

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The global economy crisis has caused many Americans to become bankruptcies. In order to have a good financial position, you need to prevent yourself from getting knee deep in credit card debt. Here are some important tips you need to bear in mind to avoid this.

Never feel proud to own multiple cards at one time. If you have a few cards on hand, you are advised to cancel as many as possible and remain one card only. Reducing the number of cards is actually reducing your financial risk. If you would like to maintain the accounts, make sure you don't simply use the cards wherever and whenever you want. However, if you are lack of self discipline, you are reminded not to hold any card at all. Damage the cards immediately.
You need to make sure that there is no outstanding balance on your card statements every month. If you always swipe your cards, make it a habit to keep all the balances as zero. You need to remind yourself that for every payment you spend, you must have sufficient income to cover it.
Make sure that you always have fund in your saving account. This is to ensure that you have some savings to cover your repayment monthly. Besides, having cash on hand will make you more secured during emergency. At the same time, "train" yourself to purchase stuff using cash instead of swiping credit cards.

To sum up, being a card holder is not something you should be proud of. Today, the duty free to be the best in the world.