How to punish your credit card bank

Is your credit card ever made you angry? I mean, really angry to the point where you just want a little revenge for the way you were treated? The only problem is that in May you feel their thank you, as they are somewhat higher. Well, you know what? They are not! No bank has a monopoly on the Green Paper calls money. tuning and show them that what they do not like you the right customer, you are, you will take your business elsewhere in a big way. This point is illustrated in a recent incident in my own personal experience of consumer credit.

I received an excellent offer of credit of one of my credit cards, including a low rate for purchases to maximize this offer, I needed to use all of the credit line by the offer, the deadline. With at least $ 3 in the remaining available credit, and ling in need of a new 27-inch TV, I decided to take advantage of a sale at a discount store.

The TV, the tax is $ 318. When the clerk from my credit card through the register, the transaction was rejected. I knew I was close to the limit, but as I am this credit stuff (I like to play these games for fun), I told the clerk to wait while I gave to the bank a call. I wanted the bank to approve an increase in credit line on the ground so that I can complete the transaction.

I called the customer service phone number on the back of my Lard and talk is an account that I transfer the credit department. I explained the situation and was told that I must give them some information before they could give me the increases result has been a formal request for phone in which I wrong to disclose all details of my financial life to get quick approval.

After about a minute, they came back with a No response! I asked the woman, "Why Are you kidding?" The reason: too many open accounts and too lel'r. I told him to look at my payment record. She said: "You've never been late." Okay, now how about my record of your bank? Again. "Never late. In other words, I have instructed and paid over $ 2000, in time, over the past two years." This is a lot of profit for your bank, and now you say that first time I call to ask for help I can not even get a $ 50 credit line increase? "His reply was: "Not bad, I even asked the director and he said he is out of our hands. Sorry, we could not help them. To which I replied, "That's okay, I'm sure another bank can help." I told him to note in my record that I will pay my balance tomorrow so I'm not such a great credit risk of the bank! "Boy, was I fuming. I had to run to a MAC machine (ATM) for cash to buy TV. Twenty Clerk said something, man, that happened to me last week. Yeah. thank you for the credit. The next day I called another bank on my good credit provides the list and did issue a check to the bank of the crime in its entirety. This should attract their attention. Their profit has ended today, but this story does not end there.

Like a movie with a good end, I learned to rub in the face of the bank. Eleven days later, I received a call from the bank of the crime. Can you believe it, they offered a bid of 5.9% for six months, no annual fee. If I stopped the balance transfer. It seems they received my transfer check and wanted me to empty to keep control of my company in exchange for the so-called offer. I was brilliant! They felt the pain of losing a good customer. and it is wrong.
I asked the woman to the offer if she could, what is happening in my account I asked in particular to a credit line increase and was denied. I explained that when I called and asked for help, they are not there for me. I said: "I can not believe that after all the money. I loaded and returned on time, I am still considering a bad credit risk by the bank.
According to my notes, fees and interest they have about $ 900 a year from my account number and just went to zero. With all that profit and my perfect record, the bank rejected my credit line increase, forcing me to drive to an ATM and return so that I can buy the TV. Then I had to switch to another bank to serve my needs for credit because the bank does not know how to treat its customers.

I thank the woman to listen and asked him to note in my account what I said. I told him that I will accept another offer from the bank in the future, give them another chance. I offer many good choices, and I do not need theirs. While I would normally take. I explained that I needed to punish them as they punished financially mc when I make a purchase.
The moral of this story, the consumer credit of 1 mm from the point of view is that you must have a credit history to be awarded to punish a bank. You need other lines of credit to turn in these situations. I know that your bank will have many credit cards to choose, and you're not treated with respect von deserve, you drop them in a heart beat and move to another bank that wants to profit.